Mastery Trackers have several data views that can be used to determine student mastery for individual standards. Data views can be selected using the drop-down menu or internal navigation links.
Available Data Views
Users will have access to the following Mastery Tracker data views:
You can filter all data views besides Standard View by Standard Type. Standard types available for filtering include Readiness Skill, Supporting Skill, Process Skill, or Unclassified.
In the Student View, Standard View, and Mastery Overview, the user can filter standards by Depth of Knowledge (DOK) level. All DOK levels will display by default.
Selecting each DOK level will toggle whether data at that level is displayed. You can combine all DOK levels into one data point by toggling on Combine DOKs.
Depending on the data view, the table may show Latest Raw, Total Raw, Test Raw, Perception, or a combination thereof. These terms are defined as the following.
- Latest Raw - Raw score from the most recent assessment this standard was tested on.
- Total Raw - Combined raw score across all assessments that tested this standard.
- Test Raw - Raw score on this assessment for the selected standard.
- Perception - Determines the level of mastery a student achieved. Setting perception will carry over to all views.
Raw score data in the Mastery Tracker can be converted to a percentage or back to a raw score.
Student Summary View
The Student Summary View is the default view accessed when opening a Mastery Tracker. The table displays all of the students in a Mastery Tracker and all of the assessed standards. The Student Summary View shows the perception for all students related to standards at a glance. Use this view to quickly set perceptions for all students.
Students can be sorted in the Mastery Tracker by Last, First or by First Last using the three vertical dots.
As more tests are added to a Mastery Tracker over time, many standards are likely to populate in the tracker. Scroll left and right to see all available standard data for each student, and scroll down to populate more students.
When hovering over the standard number, a tooltip will appear showing the full text of the standard.
Clicking the name of a student will navigate the user to the individual Student View.
Clicking on a standard will navigate the user to the individual Standard View.
For further information on setting mastery perceptions or recording notes for each perception, see Setting Mastery Perceptions.
Student View
From the Student Summary View, a user can access a Student View by clicking on the name of a student. A new table will load that shows all of the mastery tracker data for that one individual student.
The Student View shows an individual student's scores on each assessment and the standards that were tested, separated by DOK. Use this view to get a more detailed view of a student’s standards and set perception for a standard.
In the Student View, the Total Raw Score column for each standard shows the total raw score earned over the total possible raw score across all assessments and DOKS for the standard.
The user can filter standards by type (Readiness Skill, Supporting Skill, Processing Skill, or Unclassified) or by DOK Level.
Mastery perceptions and notes can be entered or changed in this view. Note that changes to perceptions made in this view will also be seen in all views for this student.
Clicking on a standard from the individual Student View will open the individual Standard View for that standard for all students.
Clicking on the name of a test from this view will open the Assessment View for that specific test.
Mastery and the Student Profile
The Student View is attached to the student profile under the Mastery tab. Navigation in this view does not work from the student profile.
The Mastery tab shows any active and archived trackers that have been built and associated with the student. A Mastery Tracker must have at least one perception or note applied to the student before the student profile will display it.
Mastery Trackers are displayed in order by year. Each tracker is listed by title, year, and teacher name.
The Student View is the only portion of the Mastery Tracker that is visible from the student profile.
Standard View
Access the Standard View by clicking on a standard in the Student Summary View or Student View.
The Standard View shows all data in the Mastery Tracker for one specific standard across all tests that show that standard. As a result, you can see an individual standard’s report based on students and the assessments given. Use this view to get an understanding of what assessments test this standard and the results.
Note this view may have pockets of empty cells as not all students or not all tests will contain data for that specific standard.
In the Standard View, the Total Raw Score column for each standard shows the total raw score earned over the total possible raw score across all assessments and DOKS for the standard.
In this view, the user can filter standards by DOK level.
Mastery perceptions and notes can be entered or changed in this view. Note that changes to perceptions made in this view will also be seen in all views for this student.
Clicking on the name of a test from this view will open the Assessment View for that specific test.
Assessment View
Access the Assessment View by clicking on the name of a test from either the Student View or the Standard View.
The Assessment View allows the user to see the standard results for an individual assessment. Users can see the performance by student of each standard assessed on the test selected. Use this view to set perceptions based on one assessment’s performance.
Note: Teachers should be cautious when setting mastery perceptions in this view. If the test is not the most recent test for the standards displayed, the performance may not reflect the most recent data for students.
The user can filter standards by type (Readiness Skill, Supporting Skill, Processing Skill, or Unclassified).
Clicking on the name of a student or a standard will open the individual Student View or individual Standard View respectively.
Mastery Overview
The Mastery Overview shows all tested standards, each test in the Mastery Tracker, and various mastery insights. The mastery insights show the average total raw score for each standard across all assessments and the percentage of each mastery level that was set by the teacher for that standard across all assessments.
With the Mastery Overview, you can review the overall performance across all standards from all assessments tied to a tracker broken down by DOK averages. This view also shows the mastery distribution across each standard.
The Total Raw column behaves a little differently in this view compared to others. Here, the total raw is an average of the points earned for that standard over the maximum possible raw score for that standard across all assessments that test that standard.
Similarly, the raw score information by DOK in this view is the average raw score earned across students for that standard and that test.
The Perception Distribution shows the frequency of the different perceptions entered by the teacher for each standard. Each is color coded accordingly to indicate Exceeded, Mastered, Limited, and Not Set perceptions.
The user can filter standards by type (Readiness Skill, Supporting Skill, Processing Skill, or Unclassified) or by DOK Level.
When a Mastery Tracker is archived, the Mastery Overview is saved to be viewed year after year. Navigation from an archived tracker does not function.
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