When you select a goal in your Evaluation Process, the menu options allow you to determine the steps needed to archive a goal.
Scenario: You created a goal but haven’t submitted it. You can still edit the goal.
You can perform the following options for the goal:
- Save
- Delete
- Copy to New Goal
- Submit for Approval
Scenario: You submitted the goal and are waiting for the evaluator’s approval.
You can perform the following options for the goal:
- Save
- Delete
- Copy to New Goal
Scenario: Your evaluator approved your goal.
You can perform the following options for the goal:
- Save
- Edit Approved Goal
- Delete
- Copy to New Goal
- Complete
Editing an approved goal will require you to resubmit it for approval. Selecting Complete will accomplish the goal.
Scenario: You marked your goal as complete.
You can perform the following options for the goal:
- Delete
- Copy to New Goal
- Archive
If you or your evaluator decide the goal isn’t complete, you can select Copy to New Goal and change the dates to represent when new work on the goal begins. Failing to change the dates could result in the goal being archived early, so be sure to communicate with your evaluator about expectations using the Messages box.
You can add any old or new evidence to the goal as you aim to complete it again, as previously attached evidence doesn’t copy over.
Scenario: You archived a goal and can view it in the Archived Goals tab.
You can perform the following options for the goal:
- Delete
- Copy to New Goal
Note: Do not delete archived goals as they contain evaluation history data.
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