When you select a goal in your Evaluation Process, the menu options allow you to determine the steps needed to archive a goal.
Scenario: You created a goal but haven’t submitted it. You can still edit the goal.
You can perform the following options for the goal:
- Delete
- Copy to New Goal
- Submit for Approval
Scenario: You submitted the goal and are waiting for the Appraiser’s approval.
You can perform the following options for the goal:
- Delete
- Copy to New Goal
Scenario: Your Appraiser approved your goal.
You can perform the following options for the goal:
- Edit Approved Goal
- Delete
- Copy to New Goal
- Complete
Editing an approved goal will require you to resubmit it for approval. Selecting Complete will accomplish the goal.
Scenario: You marked your goal as complete.
You can perform the following options for the goal:
- Delete
- Copy to New Goal
- Reopen
- Archive
Reopening the goal removes its Completed status and makes it active again.
Scenario: You archived a goal and can view it in the Archived Goals tab.
You can perform the following options for the goal:
- Delete
- Copy to New Goal
Note: Do not delete archived goals as they contain evaluation history data.
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