We have updated the STAAR EOC importer and released the TTAP importer.
Premium users have a New and Noteworthy section on the Overview page, highlighting key features such as Single Test Analysis and Mastery. Keep up with the latest news about suggested actions and recently added features.
Users can search Aware tables more intuitively. Typing various words yields more results without requiring an exact match. For example, searching unit 3 math yields a list of all assessments that include those three terms in any order. To find exact matches, users can add quotation marks to “unit 3 math” similar to Google search.
Strive’s navigation, reports, analytics, and settings have received a new update to make exploring the application more user-friendly and simplify how users can complete evaluation and professional learning tasks throughout the year. Explore our announcement article and share our handout outlining the changes with your teams today.
Evaluation templates for Texas Counseling Association’s Texas Evaluation Model for Professional School Counselors (TEMPSC) have been added to Eduphoria Community and are available for use. To learn more about using the TEMPSC framework for evaluations, see Setting up the TEMPSC Evaluation Process.
Users can edit math speech as intended. We’ve corrected an issue preventing users from saving changes to math speech.
Student Online Testing
Highlights save for students who leave and return to an assessment. Highlights will remain saved as long as the device’s cache isn't cleared or there are no edits made to the test after administration.
Upload Test File
We have updated the STAAR Interim data importer. Remember to reimport your data files to see any changes.
Evaluation Process
Users can import student portfolios normally. We’ve resolved an issue that caused a white screen to appear after importing.
We’ve resolved a blank screen loading on the Document Summary. Users can access Walkthrough data as expected.
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