Framework Analysis
Use this analytic tool to examine professional standards (frameworks) across multiple focus areas over time.
Step 1: Select Analysis and Reports, then select Goals and Professional Learning Analysis (Legacy Analysis).
Step 2: In the Frameworks section, use the Available Frameworks drop-down menu to select a specific framework used by your district. Then, use the checkboxes to select individual dimensions or select a domain to select the entire group of dimensions.
Note: You can only select one framework at a time, and it only works on frameworks that contain dimensions.
Step 2: After selecting dimensions, scroll down to the Focus section. Use the checkboxes to select the focus areas to analyze framework data across professional goals, professional development, and/or evaluation templates.
Step 3: Use the Start Date and End Date fields to set a date range for the analysis.
Clicking on the Start Date or End Date field opens a calendar menu. Use the arrow keys to navigate between calendar months. Click on a date in the calendar to select it. The selected date appears in a blue bubble and appears under the Select Date header. Select OK to confirm.
Step 4: In the People section, create up to three Analysis Groups. Select the Schools, Appraisee Types, Subjects, Grade Levels, and/or Appraisers to analyze in your first group. To add another group, select the + Additional Group button. Repeat the process as needed. After adding the maximum number of groups (3), the + Additional Group button disappears.
Note: Selections are optional in each group to help you direct analysis to more specific data sets.
Note: Clicking on a campus selects the entire group of appraisers for the campus. You can select specific appraisers by clicking just the option next to each appraiser for the campus.
Step 5: When ready, click the Analyze button to receive your data analysis
Navigate Framework Analysis
In this particular view, the analysis examines an evaluation template, "T-TESS Teacher Walkthrough D2-3", for Dimension 2.1: Achieving Expectations. The image on the left is a screenshot of the evaluation template with the corresponding data in the Framework Analysis chart.
The title of this document analyzed in Framework Analysis is "T-TESS Teacher Walkthrough D2-3".
As you drill down to other forms and observation data, a district can view how appraisers differentiate on scoring evaluations tied to framework standards.
Use the Chart/Table toggle to view percentage comparisons for each analyzed group. A print button is in development.
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