The ability to copy prior observation data into the forms saves time and provides a starting point from observations for completing the year’s summary.
Using an Existing Summative Template
Someone in your district with the Appraisal Administrator role must complete the following steps to activate an Appraiser’s ability to import data from observation documents to the summative form.
Step 1: Select the Appraisal Settings gear.
Step 2: Select Evaluation Templates, then select the Summative Document template you want.
Step 3: Select the Template Options tab, then select the checkbox for Import existing observation data when summative is created.
Step 4: Click Save to import evaluation data.
Create a Summative to Match the Observation Template
Some districts may use a summative template that closely resembles the observation template to ensure comments and ratings copy over. Creating a new summative template allows you to copy an observation template. This ensures you have the best possible outcome for copying information from the Observation to the Summative.
Note: This process is not recommended if any Appraiser has already used the existing Summative form. Check before creating a new Summative.
Step 1: Select the Appraisal Settings gear, then select New Template under Template Options.
Step 2: Type the new Template Title, then select Summative Evaluation from the Template Document Type list. Click Next to advance the wizard.
Step 3: Select Copy Existing Template, then click Next.
Step 4: Under Copy Templates, select the Summative Documents container. Select the template name you want to duplicate, then click Next.
Step 5: Click Finish to close the wizard.
Scoring Information
Ensure all matrix rows are connected to dimensions in both the Observation and the Summative templates so the ratings will copy over correctly.
Step 1: Select the Appraisal Settings gear.
Step 2: Select Evaluation Templates, then select the Summative Document template you want.
Step 3: Select the Edit Template tab, then select the Rubric Rows to view the connected Dimensions.
Learn more about Tagging Evaluation Templates for Summatives and Reporting.
Scored vs. Not Scored
If a template is scored and the ratings have a numerical value, the template reports scores based on the numerical value in the matrix. For scored templates, if there is more than one observation, the scores are averaged and rounded up in favor of the teacher. For example, if there are three observations and two Appraisers select proficient while one selects developing, the template copies the proficient rating because proficient is selected more than once.
However, if a template is not scored, the ratings do not have a numerical value to copy. In this case, the template reports the most frequently selected rating. For example, if there are three observations and each Appraiser selects a different rating, proficient, accomplish, and developing, the template copies over a randomly selected rating.
Comment Information
Step 1: Select the Appraisal Settings gear.
Step 2: Select Evaluation Templates, then select the Summative Document template you want.
Step 3: Select the Edit Template tab, then select the container for Additional Comments about the selected domain.
Step 4: To copy comments and ratings, click the Dimensions checkboxes under Item Dimensions in the Evaluation/Checklist Item. Then, select Update.
Note: Appraisers may need to delete some comments or evidence that copy to multiple dimensions. If you use a template with separate evidence for each dimension, select the dimension individually or check all dimensions to copy comments and evidence for the entire domain.
Next Steps
Notify your Appraisers after you have turned on the option to import observation data into the summative and ensured it will work with your templates. Learn more about Copying Observation Data to a Summative Form for Appriasers.
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