Evaluation Tasks
- Use the Strive Setup Checklist to plan
- Archive last year’s goals and evaluation documents
- Checkup on Strive roles and rights
- Update Appraisee types
- Update or design evaluation processes
- Explore updated templates in Eduphoria Community
- Setup the summative document to copy from observations
- Update evaluation documents
- Ensure evaluation documents are tagged
- Optional: Modify frameworks
Goal Setting Tasks
- Archive last year’s goals and evaluation documents
- Encourage teachers to archive their goals
- Update or design evaluation processes to include professional and student growth goals
- Connect Strive goals to Aware student portfolios
Professional Learning Tasks
- Approve staff credit requests
- Create new eCourses
- Create new standard courses
- Create links to external professional learning providers
- Update training locations
- Update Instructor and guest accounts
- Update credit types
- Update category types
- Import transferred staff credits
- Access new reports and analysis
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