Deleting User Accounts
Customers can delete and un-delete users, which gives more flexibility for managing accounts. If a user returns or past documentation is needed, customers can easily restore the user account.
Before deleting the user account, it's best to first remove the user from any workflows (i.e., Formspace, Facilities&Events, Aware, etc.) where this person is responsible for approving or denying actions in any of the applications. For some applications, a replacement function does not exist for the user's job.
Deleting user accounts will result in the following application behaviors:
System Management
- Automatically removes profiles from System Groups and Custom Groups.
- Automatically removes all assigned roles and rights, including Helpdesk and Facilities&Events (which are assigned within the application).
- Automatically unlinks teacher Aware SIS account.
- Does not remove the user from Teams. Users need to be manually removed from Teams before or after deletion.
- Removes user’s planner from shared planners.
- Does not remove a user from any team planners, nor does it delete the team planner.
- Removes a user from the appraiser’s list and automatically deselects the former appraiser from the user.
- Data is still present in reports.
- Must un-delete the user to see and print documents.
- Appraiser/appraisee comments are not archived or saved.
- Managers cannot view portfolios.
- If a user is actively enrolled in a course, the user stays enrolled.
- Forms submitted from a user before that user was deleted still show up to approvers in the workflow.
- If the approver has forms to Review (a step in a workflow) and the approver is deleted, that form is stuck and cannot move on in the workflow.
Note: Before deleting a user, use the Replace User Utility in General Options in Formspace.
- A user-created ticket remains as an active ticket.
- If the technician is deleted, the ticket is viewable by the manager to then reassign to another technician.
- A user’s reservations are still active or in the queue for approval.
- A User remains tied to assets and rooms and included in workflows.
Note: Before deleting a user, remove all roles, steps in workflows, and connections as an asset manager.
How to Delete Users:
- Log in to Management.
- Select Manage Users.
- Search for the user and select their name. (At this time, system administrators cannot mass delete users.)
- Click Delete.
- Confirm by clicking OK.
Un-Deleting User Accounts
Un-deleting a former user is almost like creating a new user account with a few exceptions.
The following are application behaviors to keep in mind when un-deleting a user:
System Management
- System administrators must manually create a password and assign a school/department to a user when un-deleting.
- The user will need to reset the System Profile.
- Users will automatically be added back to Custom Groups.
- Administrators must reassign all Roles and Rights to the user as needed.
- Teacher Tests will be visible again.
- The Lesson Planner and previous lesson plans will be visible to the teacher again.
- Appraisers will need to select users to be appraised.
- Portfolios can be seen by the manager and principal again.
- The user account acts as a new user.
- Old submitted/completed forms will still be visible.
- Administrators will need to reassign Roles to the user.
- Approved, Denied, and Pending reservations are still tied to a user.
- Asset Manager and Workflow Approver assignments are restored if user connections were not removed before deletion.
How to Un-Delete Users:
- Log in to Management.
- Select Un-Delete Users.
- To find users, scroll and click the blue caret to advance pages.
- Select the user account to restore.
- Enter a New Password, and confirm by entering the password again.
- Select a school/department.
- Click Restore Account.
- Assign Roles as needed.
In addition to deleting or un-deleting user accounts, administrators can create user accounts and manage user accounts.
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