District administrators can archive the current year's appraisal documents and goals on an annual basis once the instructional year ends. Archiving appraisals and goals is an important maintenance task to accomplish before the start of a new school year.
Archiving Appraisal Documents
Archiving appraisal documents converts them into a static PDF, and they will not be able to be modified. The archived documents will remain connected to each appraisee and available in the Archived Evaluations section of the My Evaluation Process tab. You can view these documents alongside documents for the current year under separate headers labeled for the previous school year.
Note: Documents converted to PDF cannot be changed once the archive process runs.
You have the option to mass archive appraisal documents such as reflection documents, walkthroughs, summatives, and more.
Step 1: Set the archive dates.
Note: The date range for your archive must be wider than your school year in order to catch items started early or finished late. These dates must be edited temporarily in the Instructional Calendar created in Management. Set the start date before the teacher in-service day begins, and set the end date after the deadline for administrators to complete their evaluations.
Step 2: In Strive, select the Appraisal Settings gear.
Step 3: Under Evaluation Management, select Archive Appraisals.
Step 4: Select the items you wish to archive.
Step 5: Select Archive Now.
The archive process will begin and may take a few minutes to archive all items into folders viewable in the My Evaluation Process tab, Archived Evaluations year container.
Archiving Professional and Student Growth Goals
Goals are archived according to the date created. If a goal was created in 2022, then use the archive tool to archive goals for the 2022-2023 dates to pull the goals into the archive. If your district creates goals in the spring, you will want to consider that when archiving.
Note: Any Professional or Student Growth Goal can be archived regardless of the status. Check the dates before archiving to ensure current goals are not archived.
You can mass archive goals in the same place as you would for archiving appraisals.
Step 1: Set the archive dates.
Note: Accurate dates are critical. These dates must be included in the Instructional Calendar created in System Management. If your district creates goals in the spring, you will want to adjust the dates accordingly.
Step 2: In Strive, select the Appraisal Settings gear.
Step 3: Under Evaluation Management, select Archive Appraisals.
Step 4: Scroll down to the Goals to Archive section, which includes Professional and Student Growth Goals.
Step 5: Select Archive Now.
Optional: Exporting Archived Documents
You can optionally download a ZIP file containing all archived documents.
Step 1: In Strive, select the Appraisal Settings gear.
Step 2: Under Configuration Options, select General Options.
Step 3: Select the Export tab.
Step 4: Select the evaluation School Year.
Step 5: Use the Directory Name drop-down menu to choose Email Address or Employee ID as the sorting option.
Step 6: Select Export Documents.
Creating the ZIP file for download will take a few minutes. The system will email you a link to access the files. This link is sent only to the person who requests the export and uses authentication to verify their identity to secure the file export.
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