Once a Mastery Tracker is populated with multiple assessments, teachers with a rostered course and users with an approved Student Access List can utilize the various data views to get an understanding of the mastery level of a student.
Mastery can be set at three different Perception levels for each individual standard. The default labels are Exceeded, Mastered, and Limited, but a user with the Configure Settings right can change these Perception labels as appropriate for district needs. Ideally, teachers or local administration should determine what constitutes each level of mastery before getting started to obtain consistent results.
Setting Perceptions
Teachers can set a mastery perception for a student and reassess that perception as the student’s performance changes over time. The teacher’s perception of mastery should be based on the latest raw data available for each standard.
Step 1: Select the Perception or Teacher Perception column to open a drop-down menu.
Step 2: Determine which perception label to assign the student, or select Clear Perception to remove it.
Once a teacher inputs a perception, that perception will persist until the teacher changes it. Teachers should review mastery perceptions for any standard associated with a newly-added test. Each mastery perception is viewable and changeable in any view that shows a standard’s mastery perception.
Note: Changing or clearing a perception in any view will also affect all other views showing mastery perception. For instance, changing a student’s perception in the Student Summary View will also change it in the Student View, the Standard View, and the Assessment View. Moreover, Perception Distribution in the Mastery Overview will be affected.
Notes are an additional function that teachers can use to leave comments or descriptions about why they chose a certain mastery perception. Clicking on the Comment Box icon will open the Notes for that specific perception.
Notes can be up to 1000 characters in length and are seen and edited in any view that has a mastery perception.
Changing Mastery Tracker Perception Labels
Any user with the Configure Settings right can change the Perception labels for Mastery Trackers. These changes will apply for the entire district.
Step 1: Select Configuration Options under the Analysis Settings gear.
Step 2: Navigate to the Mastery Tracker tab to input new Perception labels and descriptions about each label. Save when finished.
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