Credits for Approval offers a central location for professional development approvers to manage Credit Type Review Requests and Credit Item Review Requests from their users. You will see notifications for pending credit item requests if you have the Approve Professional Development Credits right assigned to you.
Credit Type Review
If your district has set up approval requirements for certain credits and for certain users, then the users’ external portfolio requests will be sent to Credit Type Review first. There, you will see the credit type flagged for review, where you can modify the credit items and approve or deny credit.
A flagged credit type request also appears under Credit Item Requests.
The Credit Type Approver must approve them first, and then the Credit Item Approver can approve them next. Appraisal administrators assign users as Credit Type Approvers under the Workshop Settings gear > Workshop Setup > Credit Types > Credit Review > Add Staff. System administrators assign users the Professional Development Approver role in Management to make them Credit Item Approvers.
Credit Item Requests
Under Credit Approvals, you will see pending requests for Credit Item Review. Here, you can review user portfolio credit requests once they have completed external professional learning opportunities and submitted them for review.
Check that the credit amount and credit type are appropriate for the topic or the session.
In addition to approving and denying credit item requests, you can review a user’s past portfolio entries. Approved credits will appear in the requestor's portfolio. Denied credits will appear in the requestor's portfolio with a red indication that the credit was not approved.
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