You can create and configure progress profiles in eight simple steps. Each step works through a wizard that allows the user to:
- Name the progress profile,
- Select the desired grade levels, subjects, test types, and tests,
- Name and describe Achievement Levels,
- Configure cut scores for Achievement Levels.
Note: Each step only saves at the very end of the creation wizard. Do not exit the wizard until you’ve selected tests, named achievement levels, and clicked Create as part of Step 8. You can revise your configuration options by editing a progress profile.
Step 1: Navigate to Multi-Test, and select New Progress Profile to begin the creation process.
Step 2: Enter progress profile details such as the desired name, description, grade level, and subject. You can select multiple grade-level and subject combinations at once.
Based on the grade levels and subjects you selected, the test type section will show all available test types that match that selection combination.
Step 3: Select the test types you want to load into the progress profile.
These test types can include even those with assessments that students haven’t completed but which you know will be pulled into the progress profile eventually.
View the Supported Test Types and Data table at the bottom of this article for a complete list of each test’s supported test types and metrics.
Step 4: Select the assessments to include in your progress profile. Use the filters to narrow the selection down if needed.
Progress profiles can hold a maximum of 20 assessments.
Step 5: Name and add descriptions for the progress profile’s Achievement Levels.
Achievement Levels are the common scale configured to allow comparison across assessments. Progress profiles can have as few as two Achievement Levels and as many as six.
Step 6: Configure each Achievement Level for each assessment.
Each test type has different data that users can configure to the common Achievement Levels. Refer to the Supported Test Types and Data table for a complete list of test types and supported performance data.
The example below maps Raw Score, Highest Level Achieved, Performance Level, and RIT to the common scale. Each user has full flexibility to select and configure each data type to the common Achievement Level scale.
Note: Highest Level Achieved is only available for local assessments that were delivered after June 19th, 2023.
Step 7: Verify the configuration status of your Achievement Levels with your selected assessments.
Tests configured with Achievement Levels will receive a green check in the Status column. Tests with the orange warning symbol are awaiting configuration. To clear the warning, set Achievement Level cut scores for the unconfigured tests.
Note: Having tests with unconfigured Achievement Levels will not stop the creation of a progress profile. However, unconfigured tests will not show data in the progress profile.
Users can complete the configuration after creation by selecting the three vertical dots to edit the progress profile.
Step 8: Click Create to complete the configuration of the progress profile.
Supported Test Types and Data
Review the table below to verify which test types and their respective data metrics that progress profiles will support.
¹Only available for local tests taken after summer 2023
²Only available for interim tests taken after summer 2023
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