System Manager
The System Manager would need to grant the roles and rights in the Manage tab. The System Administrator has the highest level of access across the district and this includes the ability to assign assets to students.
The Edit Reservation and Assignment Settings allows a System Administrator to select any asset on a campus and assign it to a student. The asset does not need to be preset for student assignment by a teacher. Instead, the asset's assignment settings are automatically changed when the System Administrator assigns it. Since the System Administrator has access to all campuses, the Assign to students on your campus and Assign to students on all campuses rights enable the System Administrator to assign any asset on any campus to any student throughout the district.
Inventory Manager
The Inventory Manager role has the ability to assign campus assets to students on the Inventory Manager’s campus. All assets and students must be on the same campus as the Inventory Manager. This is the highest level of campus access which includes the following rights:
The Edit Reservation and Assignment Settings right allows an Inventory Manager to select any asset on his campus to assign that asset to a student on the same campus. The asset does not need to be preset for student assignment by a teacher. Instead the asset’s assignment settings are automatically changed when the Inventory Manager assigns it. Since the Inventory Manager has access to a specific campus, the Assign to students on your campus right enables the Inventory Manager to assign an asset on his campus to a student located on the same campus as the asset and the Inventory Manager.
Teacher Role
The Teacher role, which is the basic level of access in Facilities & Events, has the ability to assign designated assets to students on his/her student rosters, as determined by the connection with the Student Management System. Designated assets must be preset by an Inventory Manager or a System Administrator before the Teacher can assign them to her students.
Definitions & Key Words
Asset: Must have a barcode to describe the asset and therefore assign to student; it's a unique identifier for the asset.
Assignable: If an asset is marked as assignable, it can be assigned to the student's account and tracked in Inventory.
Student ID: Student ID is pulled from the district SMS and Rosters so that assigning to students is more accurate.
Check-Out: Assigning a district/school asset to a student.
Check-In: Removing a student's assignment of an asset.
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