The Parts store allows a department to keep a running inventory of replacement parts, consumable items, etc. The Parts store can also be used to track the cost and location of all parts contained in it. However, in order to use the Parts Store, locations and categories must be configured.
Create Parts Store
- Click the Manage tab
- Click Setup Parts Store
- Select the Department from the top drop-down menu
- On Locations tab, enter a location name and click Add
- On Categories tab, enter a category and click Add
- You can click the blue dot next to a category to change the icon
Locations will appear in alphabetical order. Be very careful when deleting locations, as you must make sure there are no longer parts listed at that location. Loss of inventory may occur.
Add Parts to Store
- Click the Parts tab
- Select the Inventory location from the top drop-down menu
- Click Add New Parts
- Select the location and category for the part from the wizard on the right
- Click Next
- Fill out the New Inventory Item form including Name, Make, Model, Quantity, PO (optional), Invoice (optional) and Notes (optional)
- Click Next
- Click Finish
Update Part Quantities
Once a part has been added to the Part Store in a location and category, the item can be selected and the Edit button is available.
- Click a listed Part
- Click the Edit button
- Update quantity and add cost information if needed
- Click Save
View Part Information
Each category has a list of multiple models or types of parts. Each parts entry has its own log of activity. Once a parts entry is created for a part, you can continue to add items to that existing part instead of creating an entirely new entry. As parts are used in tickets or quantities changed, each transaction is recorded in the log for that part.
The top toolbar in this screen will allow you to add additional items to this parts entry, print this entry, delete this entry, move parts from this entry to another location, or edit this entry. The Show All option will display any log entry that did not affect quantity. Those are hidden by default.
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