Roles and Rights Overview
Click on this link to view the Eduphoria Roles and Rights Spreadsheet. It contains the Roles, Rights, and descriptions for all Eduphoria applications. While this document is not printer-friendly, it does provide roles and rights details and can be downloaded and edited as needed.
Use the tabs at the bottom of the spreadsheet to view information about roles and rights for each application.
Users with the System Administrator role can grant roles to other users. No roles are assigned by default when all users are imported for the first time. The majority of users do not need any roles. Directors, administrators, and principals will need additional access levels granted.
To grant user roles and rights, click on Manage Users and use the search box to find a specific user. Click on an individual user to view these tabs and access the Roles tab to grant additional access.
Best Practices for Roles and Rights
Only a few users should be System Administrators. One system administrator may not be enough, but 30 is too many. Users with system administrator access have the greatest level of access within Eduphoria and can grant any and all rights to themselves.
Each Role has certain Rights associated with it. When a role is assigned to a user, a collection of rights is automatically granted to the user.
Note: Some Rights are not inherited by a specific Role and must be assigned manually. One example is the right to impersonate other users.
Do not randomly assign Rights. Assign Roles and only edit Rights as needed since editing rights can remove access if not carefully applied.
Checking all Roles does not give a user more Rights. In most cases, the first role listed in each application grants the user administrator access for that application
You can run separate reports of the users assigned Roles and one of the users assigned specific Rights.
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