Manage Learning Standards
Manage Learning Standards allows you to create, edit, and organize standards for courses that have been published.
Note: Locally created standards cannot be pulled into Aware for data analysis.
Structure of Learning Standards
Organizational Group |
Organizational groups place learning standards into subdivisions like six week periods or instructional units. |
Learning Standard |
Learning Standards can be district and/or state objectives. They can also be place holders for additional resources, activities, and documents linked in the Scope and Sequence tab. |
Standard Group |
Learning Standards can also be turned into Standard Groups. Standard Groups bring a second layer to the organizational group folders. Any learning Standard using this icon will display an expandable and collapsible option in the teacher curriculum pane and Scope and Sequence tab. |
Organizational Groups
Organizational groups allow you to divide a course's learning standards into a meaningful structure. Groups can be a time frame, such as a six-weeks, instructional units, or both. The following outlines possible organization group structures:
Sample: Time Organization
First Six Weeks
Second Six Weeks
Third Six Weeks
Sample: Unit Organization
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Sample: Combination
First Six Weeks: Unit 1
Second Six Weeks: Unit 2
Third Six Weeks: Unit 3
Create an Organizational Group
- Click the New Group button.
- Enter the name of the organization group.
- Click the Save button or hit the enter key.
- Repeat this process until all organization groups are added.
Note: Organizational groups will always appear at the bottom of the list.
Associating Learning Standards to Courses
Forethought courses are aligned to single or multiple learning standards courses. Although in most cases, each course will be linked to only one learning standard and its objectives, there may be situations where you will want to combine courses or combine learning standards.
Link a Forethought Course with a state Learning Standard course:
- Select the Options tab.
- Navigate to or search for the learning standards course you wish to link.
- Check the associated course.
- Click the Select Courses button.
Link English Language Proficiencies (ELPs) to a Forethought Course:
- Select the Options tab.
- Navigate to or search for ELP. (This will find the ELPs if you DO NOT include the "s").
- Check the box beside English Language Proficiencies.
- Click the Select Courses button.
- When you have selected all learning standards, ELPs, and other standards that you want to be associated with the course, click Import Standards from Courses.
NOTE: If you are also using Aware in your disctrict, after you have imported all the standards you want associated with the course, go back and uncheck all but the primary learning standards. The standards that are left checked will be associated with assessments created for this course in Aware.
Creating Learning Standards
Learning standards are stored in organizational groups and at least one organizational group must exist. Learning standards, like courses, do not become active until you publish them. This allows you to work and update a course without impacting teachers and the active curriculum.
Activities are linked to learning standards so caution should be taken when editing or removing learning standards that have been published. Changing the meaning of a learning standard can also have a negative impact if teachers have used the standard in their planners.
Add a new learning standard:
- Click the New Standard button.
- Enter the text of the learning standard.
- Select the desired standard decorator.
- Select any associated objectives.
- Click Save.
Add a Learning Standard as a placeholder for curriculum documents:
You can add additional curriculum documents to your folders, such as frameworks, Year-at-a-Glance documents (YAGs), or other documents for teachers. Follow the directions above to add a new learning standard. For the text of the learning standard, enter the name of the document or category of documents.
Once these placeholders are published, you can go to the Scope & Sequence and attach the documents for teachers to access.
Moving and Copying Learning Standards
Learning standards can be moved and copied within the same course or to another course, if appropriate. When a learning standard is copied, a new standard is created but existing activities and learning standard associations are not duplicated.
Moving a standard within the same course or to another course will move its activities. In order for learning standard associations to move, the destination course must be associated with the appropriate learning standard course.
Move a learning standard:
- Select the standard to be moved.
- Click and hold on the selected standard.
- Drag and drop the standard onto a group or another standard.
- The standard will appear at the bottom of the group or just below another standard.
You can also use the Copy and Paste buttons on the toolbar.
Copy a learning standard:
- Select the standard to be copied.
- Click the Copy button.
- Select an organizational group or standard to place the standard, either in the same or different course.
- Click the Paste button.
- The new standard will appear at the bottom of the group or just below another standard.
Removing Learning Standards
Use caution when deleting learning standards. If activities use the standard as their primary published activity, they will no longer be accessible for teachers to view. However, the author may still edit the activity. Standards are not actually removed until the standards are published.
Remove a learning standard:
- Select the standard to be removed.
- Click the Delete button.
Restore a deleted standard:
- Select the deleted learning standard.
- Click the Delete button again to toggle the standard back to normal.
Note: Multiple standards can be deleted or undeleted at once. Use the CMD/CTRL key to select multiple standards. Once published, standards cannot be undeleted.
Publishing Learning Standards
Publishing a course works very much like publishing the course tree. Two copies of a course structure exist, and all changes are made to the draft copy. When you publish the course, it then moves those changes to the published public copy. Now teachers and curriculum staff can see that structure and attach resources to it.
As with the course tree, the Publish and Discard options are in the bottom right. The last published is also displayed in the bottom left.
Creating Standard Clarification
Standard Clarifications allow districts to attach supporting material for specific learning standards. They are not used directly in lesson plans but provide additional information to help clarify objectives. There can be one standard clarification for each learning standard that appears at the top of the resources list in the lesson planner.
Standard Clarifications are used to provide explanations of standards for teachers. Click the button to add a Standard Clarification to all learning standards in a course.
Note: Removing Standard Clarifications requires deleting each document one at a time.
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