Prior to getting started with Aware, rosters and state assessment tests must be imported, and courses must be coded. These necessary steps are handled during the implementation process, which occurs prior to the first Aware training. This section explains roles and rights in Aware. Only staff members with the System Administrator role are able to set up roles and rights.
Aware with Rights Descriptions downloadable spreadsheet
Aware Roles and Rights Clarifications FAQs:
To whom would you give the Principal role on a campus?
This role would be assigned to a Principal, Assistant Principal, Counselor, or Academic Coach.
How do staff members who work with students but do not have scheduled rosters access student data?
Create Student Access Lists for staff members such as a Special Ed Co-teacher, Dyslexia teacher, Gifted and Talented facilitator, or any other professional who works with students and doesn’t have scheduled rosters.
What does the Analyze Subject right allow a user to do?
This right allows the user to analyze all data for all teachers across a given subject area. An example would be a Department Chair in a high school who needs to look at the test data for all teachers who teach 9th grade ELA or any other ELA courses. The subject data access is determined by the roster, not by the user profile.
What does the Analyze Grade Level right allow a user to do?
This right allows the user to analyze all data for all teachers within a grade level. For example, a Grade Level Chair who views all test data for all teachers in a grade may be given this right. That user may need to view state-level or local test data for all 3rd-grade students. The grade level data access is determined by the roster, not by the user profile.
To whom would you give the Edit Student Test Scores right?
Only the District Test Coordinator should have this right, if at all.
To whom would you give the Edit Student Inventory Scores right?
Non-teachers who need to score student inventories may be given this right.
To whom would you give the View Student Economic Status right in System Management?
A “legitimate educational interest” must be considered when granting access to private student data. Socioeconomic status is provided by the Department of Agriculture’s free and reduced lunch programs. Local decision-makers should keep this in mind as they assign this right to users. Typically, campus principals are educators who have access to these data.
What is the difference between the Import Test Files right and the Import External Data Files right?
External Data is obsolete.
Should the Delete Others Local Assessment Tests right be removed from most users who have been assigned the Data Administrator and Campus Administrator roles so no one can accidentally delete an important test?
This right can be removed to prevent accidental data loss. Once a test is deleted, it is gone and cannot be restored. If a test is deleted, there will be a database log of that instance.
What roles/rights would you give to campus nurses if you want them to be able to view and contribute to student forms but not see student test data?
Grant school nurses the Campus Forms Administrator role and ensure the correct campus is selected by clicking the + (Plus) next to the role. Then remove the Create Student Forms selection on the Rights tab so that View All Student Forms is the only selection left.
If multiple teachers want to be able to view the journal of a single student, what right would they need?
Grant the Principal role and remove other associated rights not wanted. Teachers can then see all journal actions for the entire campus.
There are campus teachers who do not have rosters (primarily Special Education and Intervention Teachers) who need to be able to see District and Campus Summary data. They also need to be able to look at summary information and use Quick Views for the group of students they serve. They should not be able to see other campus or teacher information, nor should they see students they are not serving.
Based on the scenario, there are two options:
- Teachers can make a student access list but will not be able to see district, campus, or any other summary information. They will only see individual student data.
- Teachers can be assigned the Principal role, but this will allow them to see all students on a campus.
Possible Role Assignments
District Data Administrator:
- Give to anyone who needs to create district-level assessments for the entire district. They can select the campuses that need access to specific tests.
District Data Viewer:
- Give to anyone who needs to see all data for all tests.
- Give to anyone who needs campus-wide data access, but does not need to see teacher tests.
Campus Administrator:
- Give to anyone who needs the ability to build campus-level tests, but not access data analyzing. This includes one campus or multiple campuses, depending on which campuses are selected when a role is set. This right cannot see the district-level test items or answer keys.
Campus Testing Coordinators who help administer campus and district tests:
- Principal and
- Campus Local Assessment Printer
Campus testing coordinators will be able to:
- print answer documents for teachers to give to students.
- start online testing in the event that a teacher is absent.
Campus testing coordinators will not be able to:
- print test booklets for district-level tests. Booklets must be printed and distributed by the district or provided electronically in a secure manner for local campus testing coordinators to print.
- create local assessments for their campus.
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