To enable inventory managers or teachers to be able to assign assets to students, an asset must first be marked as "assignable."
To make individual assets assignable,
- Go to Inventory Tab
- Click on a Room
- Find the asset and double-click on an asset
- Click on the Reservations and Assignments Tab
- Change the Setting so that the asset "can be assigned to a student by a staff member"
- Optional - Search for a user to be responsible for assigning the asset. Note: This is only necessary for a user that does not have additional rights in Facilities & Events to assign assets to students. A good use of this feature would be for a certain teacher so that s/he could assign to his/her roster of students.
To make a group of assets assignable,
- Go to Inventory Tab
- Click on a Room
- Click on Advanced View
- Click on Edit View
- Drag over fields necessary to know which assets need to be assigned (Note: Assigned Student and Student Campus are new fields)
- Click Update
- Click on one asset or using Control or Shift Key, select multiple assets (they turn a light orange shade)
- Click on Mass Edit (this will allow you to change the details of multiple assets at a time!)
- Drill down to Reservations & Assignments > Settings
- Choose the option that the asset "can be assigned to a student by a staff member"
- If there is a user that does NOT have a role of inventory manager or a teacher with students in the roster, then select a staff member to give them rights to assign those items to students.
- If you select a staff member, then that user will have the rights to assign those assets to students.
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