Only teachers who are included in at least one Teacher Team can create Team Tests. Reference Options for Creating Assessments to learn what assessments are available for creation.
Sharing an Assessment With a Team
Quick Guide
- Navigate to the assessment you want to turn into a Team Test under Author in Aware.
- Select Share With Team in the Administration tab of the assessment.
- Select the team you’re sharing the assessment with and select its new campus-level test type.
- Check the box to use the performance levels from the new test type, or leave the box blank to preserve the existing performance levels from the original test type.
- Adjust the new test type’s performance levels as needed.
- Click Convert Test when ready.
Illustrated Guide
Step 1: Navigate to the assessment you want to turn into a Team Test under Author in Aware.
Note: Once a Teacher Test is converted into a Team Test, it is no longer a Teacher Test. Teachers who wish to keep versions of Teacher Tests should make a copy of the existing assessment and convert only that copy.
If you don’t have an assessment ready, you can create a Teacher Test by selecting New Assessment under Author.
It is up to the test author to determine how much of the Teacher Test to complete before converting it to a Team Test. Some teachers will have several Teacher Tests from previous years they have completed already.
Step 2: Select Share With Team in the Administration tab of the assessment.
Step 3: Select the team you’re sharing the assessment with and select its new campus-level test type.
Note: Only select a test type that your district or campus has agreed should be used for Team Tests. Some districts include test types with names like "District Benchmarks" that are meant to be used for other types of assessments. Aware district managers can configure test types to assist with this process.
Step 4: Check the box to use the performance levels from the new test type, or leave the box blank to preserve the existing performance levels from the original test type.
Step 5: Adjust the new test type’s performance levels as needed.
Note: Team members can make future adjustments to performance levels from the Test Key tab, regardless of whether the Team Test uses performance levels from the new or previous test type.
Step 6: Click Convert Test when ready.
Team Test Status
Team Tests have three possible statuses:
- Pending - Any member of the team can edit a Team Test while its status is set to Pending.
- Active - Team members can edit a Team Test while it is Active until a member prints answer documents or students begin taking the test online. Once either occurs, team members can only change correct answers, align learning standards, adjust item weight, and rescore.
- Archived - It’s best to archive Team Tests before the next school year. Archiving a test does not delete it or its data, but it does clean up unscored answer documents and prevents the test from being administered again.
The Administration Tab
The Administration tab includes options to rescore an assessment, delete a single or all answer sheets, share a copy, share with teams, set available testing dates, and print a sample answer document.
Team members can also upload data files if there aren’t any interactive items on the assessment.
Rescore the Assessment
Select Rescore if you need to update any of the following:
- Performance Levels
- The Test Key
- Item Weighting
- Learning Standards
Delete Answer Sheet
You can select Delete Answer Sheet to remove an answer sheet for an individual student, such as when someone accidentally scans a student’s answer sheet.
Select the student's name from the list and click Remove.
Note: Use caution when deleting answer sheets. After deleting, all previously-printed answer sheets will become invalid, and you will need to reprint new answer sheets.
Delete All Answer Sheets
You can select Delete All Answer Sheets to remove answer sheets from all students.
If you need to change an element of the assessment, such as adding or removing a question, then you can delete all answer sheets to do so. By deleting all answer sheets, all student scores associated with the assessment are deleted.
Note: Use caution when deleting answer sheets. After deleting, all previously-printed answer sheets will become invalid, and you will need to reprint new answer sheets.
Available Dates
Unlike Teacher Tests, Team Tests have a testing window where team members must establish available dates for the testing window. This requirement is because teachers are meant to use Team Tests for common assessment purposes.
See Importing Test Scores for more information.
Filter by Monitor Group
Team members can filter the assessment by Monitor Groups. Check and uncheck the boxes beside any Monitor Group you wish to target the assessment toward specific students.
Teachers will see listed the personal Monitor Groups they have created.
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