Edit Details of a Ticket
When a Technician is assigned to a ticket, they have access to edit details of the request.
- Due Date: A technician can set a due date for completing a ticket.
- Add Additional Requesters: Click the + button next to the nae of the requester to add additional contacts.
- Add Work Hours: Click the + button next to Work Hours to add amount of time spent on a ticket.
Edit Ticket Information
The menu bar contains additional resources for managing ticket contents.
- Click on the pencil icon to Edit Ticket Information. This will enable the technician to change the properties of the ticket such as ticket type, campus and room number.
The sections available for a Technician to edit are based on what was selected in the Request Type, Additional Properties tab for who can complete the properties for the ticket type. If it was selected that the Technician complete the specific field, then the ticket cannot be marked closed until the technician has completed these required properties.
If a ticket is assigned the wrong category or sub-category, this can be changed by the technician by clicking the icon for the selected category in the upper left corner of the ticket window, and changing it to the correct one.
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