Student Access Lists allow rostered teachers access to custom lists of students. This feature can also be used to allow any user with an Eduphoria account to create a custom list of students for analysis. This is useful for co-teachers, special education personnel, 504 and ESL coordinators, or other non-rostered personnel who need access to group or individual student data. Learn more about using Data Analysis with Student Access Lists.
Quick Guide
- Navigate to the Students Settings gear in Aware.
- Click on the settings gear to view the Student Access Lists options.
- Click Create Student Access List and follow the prompts. Click Next to move through the wizard.
Illustrated Guide
Step 1: Navigate to the Students Settings gear in Aware.
Step 2: Click on the settings gear to view the Student Access Lists options. Select an option.
Step 3: Select Create Student Access List. Click Next to continue.
Step 4: Select Create a new student access list or Add to an existing student access list. Click Next to continue.
Step 5: Select the campus for the list. A student access list can only be created for a specific campus.
Step 6: Select a name for the list. Add a description if desired.
Note: Your district may have a naming convention in place for Student Access Lists. If not, consider a name that indicates the purpose of the list.
Step 7: Select an option for adding students to the list.
Option 1: Search for the following, select, and click Add.
- Student Name
- Student ID Number
- Course Code
- Course Name
- Teacher Name
- Teacher Email
Option 2: Upload a CSV file using the instructions found on the screen.
Step 8: Click Next, then click Finish.
If students are rostered to you, a list approves automatically. A list deletes automatically when students no longer appear on your roster. Students who are removed from rosters throughout the year are automatically removed from lists.
If you are creating a Student Access List with students not rostered to you, that list must be approved by an administrator on your campus. Lists remain in a Pending Approval until approved. Learn more about Approving Student Access Lists.
Approved Student Access Lists return to Pending Approval after 11 months. Re-submit a list for approval to continue using the list.
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