Conference managers and contributors can add multiple sessions at multiple locations throughout the length of the conference. Sessions can take place in person or in virtual meeting areas.
Adding Sessions
To add Sessions, conference managers and contributors can either click the + Add Session button or select a time block on the calendar or location view.
Session Details include the following:
- Title
- Description
- Session Date
- Start Time
- End Time
- Digital Sign-in
- Virtual Session Link
- Room Location
- Max Attendees
- Professional Learning Credits
- Learning Tracks
- Instructors
Conference managers and contributors can also duplicate and delete a session.
Digital Sign-in
Conference managers and contributors can toggle on Digital Sign-in, which generates a QR code for attendees to scan and sign in to the session.
If attendees have already registered for the session, you will see a warning message that Digital Sign-in automatically marks attendees as absent until they sign in with the QR code to record their attendance.
The QR code appears under the Enrollments tab.
Selecting the View Digital Sign-in QR Code icon will display the QR code for scanning along with the following options for sharing and distribution to attendees:
- Print QR Code
- Download QR Code
- Open in New Tab
- Copy URL to Clipboard
Attendee View
Upon scanning the QR code, attendees can sign in and confirm their attendance for the session. QR code links are active 15 minutes before the session starts and 15 minutes after the session ends.
Export QR Codes
Under Sessions, locate Export QR Codes to open printable pages of session QR codes for distribution.
In addition to the QR code, the printout contains the following session details:
- Session Name
- Location
- Date and Time
- Instructor Names
Rules for Digital Sign-in
Digital Sign-in follows certain rules for when users can and cannot perform certain actions.
You may see the ability to confirm attendance grayed out for the following reasons:
- A user has toggled off Digital Sign-in after sharing the QR code link.
- The session took place in the past and participants have already been marked attended.
- A participant receives the link but isn’t enrolled in the session.
- The registration window is closed.
- The session has ended.
In addition, conference managers can only toggle on Digital Sign-in so long as the session hasn’t begun. The system will prevent changes to the setting after a session’s start time. If Digital Sign-in isn’t toggled on, the QR code icon will not display under the Enrollments tab.
Conference Views
There are multiple views for session planning with the time blocks: Calendar View, List View, and Location View.
Calendar View provides the time blocks by dates set in Conference Details.
List View provides a list of all sessions by time.
Location View provides the time blocks by locations selected in the Conference Details.
Virtual Session Link
A session can include a link to a virtual meeting space such as GoogleMeet, Zoom, or another video conference option. Links will appear on the conference scheduler for registered attendees.
Districts can create a Training Location in Workshop Settings for virtual meetings or conferences. Training locations can be added to a conference session, in addition to the Virtual Session Link, to help participants reference the link as a virtual meeting space instead of a building or room.
Conference Session Setting |
Participant View of Session
Room Location
Room Location includes only the rooms selected in Conference Details. Select a Room from the list for each session. Max Attendees corresponds to the settings for the room under the Workshop Settings gear > Workshop Setup > Training Locations. The system will display a warning message if the number exceeds the Max Attendees value attached to the location in Workshop Settings.
Adding Professional Learning Credits to a Session
Follow these steps to add professional learning credits to a session:
- Click on Add Credit Type to select from the Credit Types available under the Workshop Settings gear > Workshop Setup > Credit Types.
- Select credit types or enter terms on the search line to find a specific credit type.
- Click Credit Type to add it to the Credits for the session.
- Provide a value for the Credit Type awarded by entering a number or using the arrows to increase/decrease the value.
Note: To enter decimal values for credits, enter a numeric value before the decimal. For example, enter half credits as 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, etc.
Selecting Learning Tracks
Click on Learning Tracks to add descriptors to the session, which will allow users to filter and sort by the associated track. The Learning Tracks list must be created in Conference Details.
Selected Learning Tracks will change color. Unselected Learning Tracks will remain grey.
Adding Instructors
To add one or more instructors, follow these steps:
- Click Add Instructor to select from the Instructors available under the Workshop Settings gear > Workshop Setup > Instructors.
- Scroll through the list of Instructors or enter a name in the search bar to find the instructor to add to the session.
- Select an Instructor by clicking on a name. Multiple Instructors can be added to Sessions.
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