Creating a Charting Question
To create an interactive response question, begin by creating a new test in Aware or navigating to an existing test. The TEA suggests charting for use in math assessments, but charting is available for any assessment.
Note: Assessments with interactive response questions may be printed as test booklets only, without answer documents available. This test is not scannable, nor will it have student IDs, class numbers, or any other information. Teachers must use the Enter Answers feature to manually input student responses for students taking a paper version of the assessment.
1. Select Interactive Item Types from the options.
2. Select Charting from the available question types.
3. Enter the question text. Select Continue when complete.
4. Configure the chart using the settings. The chart can contain up to five bars. Set the maximum for the Y Axis. The Y Axis intervals will change depending on what you set as the Max. For instance, a maximum value between 1-25 will show an interval of 1 between numbers. A maximum value between 26-56 will show an interval of 2 between numbers, 57-127 will show an interval of 5, etc.
The Snap Interval setting uses whole numbers and will determine where the bar snaps as students interact. Set the correct answers by dragging the bars to the appropriate height.
Keyboard operation of the chart is also possible. Select Add interactions to the question, then press the Tab key to select the first bar of the chart. The up and down arrow keys will adjust the value of the bar, and the left and right arrow keys will select the adjacent bar. Students also have the option to utilize the arrow keys to answer the question. Zeroes and negative numbers are not allowed as answers.
5. Select Create when complete.
Using Fractional Intervals
Test creators have the option to utilize the Fractional Intervals setting to create charts displaying basic fractions. Snap Interval must be 1 to enable this setting. It is recommended for Max to also be set to 1 to keep questions and answers simple.
Best Practice: Use Max and Snap Interval to limit the chart's response range to a reasonable, available height. Students may not be able to answer correctly if there are too many choices in a small amount of space. When selecting Create, a warning will appear if the recommended range has been exceeded.
Student Experience
Students will see the charting question during testing.
Data Analysis
Question Type is available in Quick Views. You can access Quick Views through the navigation bar or through the Quick Views card.
Once in Quick Views, search for the assessment using the search fields. Click on the assessments you want to analyze and apply the Student Individual Responses template from the drop-down menu.
Interactive questions will be indicated in data analysis next to the scores for each of those questions. The examples below show questions with three interactions. Teachers may view the exact question in the Enter Answers screen and modify student answers if needed.
Question Type is available as a column for data views, located in the Responses folder.
This column will show the question type and in which question number the type is located.
Note: For district and campus level tests, the Questions teachers can answer and score option must be set to All Questions for editing privileges.
Additional Information
Visit the Interactive Item Types FAQ for more information.
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