Teachers can administer or author assessments within Aware. Users with the Test Proctoring Administration right can also proctor an assessment on a teacher’s behalf.
Navigating to Assessments
Quick Guide
- Log in to Aware.
- Under Assessments, select Administer to view a list of available tests that can be administered to students.
- Under Assessments, select Author to continue editing any assessments the teacher or teacher team has started to build. Users can also choose from the following options to add a new assessment: Create a New Blank Test, Create New Quick Test Key, and Create New Test from ZIP File.
- Under Assessments, select Proctor to remotely administer a test on a teacher’s behalf. To select a staff member, locate them by campus or by searching their name.
Illustrated Guide
Step 1: Log in to Aware.
Step 2a: Under Assessments, select Administer to view a list of available tests that can be administered to students.
Step 2b: Under Assessments, select Author to continue editing any assessments the teacher or teacher team has started to build.
Users can also choose from the following options to add a new assessment:
- Create a New Blank Test
- Copy Existing Test
- Create New Quick Test Key
- Create New Test from ZIP File
Step 2c: Under Assessments, select Proctor to remotely administer a test on a teacher’s behalf. To select a staff member, locate them by campus or by searching their name.
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