Eduphoria is excited to provide an amazing accountability tool, Axiom. Use this article, our Axiom FAQ, and Region 10's Axiom Users Site to get started and learn more about this feature.
For pricing information or to add Axiom to Aware, contact Contact your district Eduphoria Manager to discover if Axiom is a feature that your district has purchased.
Should you encounter any technical problems with Axiom, keep track of the known issues, fixes, and features as we release new information. For any issues not listed, contact Support.
With an active Axiom license, district-level users will follow these steps to start using the tool.
Note: A user with the Analyze Accountability Data right for all campuses will need to perform the following steps.
Setting Accountability Access
Granting the Analyze Accountability Right
- Add the Analyze Accountability Data right in Aware.
- Be sure to set it as a district-level right, indicated by a green check mark.
The Analyze Accountability Data right is associated with the Principal role and automatically allows the user access to view accountability data on the Axiom page for their assigned campus(es).
Allowing/Disallowing Principals
If a district-level user enables Limited Access on the Axiom page, principals will not see the Axiom tab until Limited Access is unselected.
Ensuring All Data Is Imported
Select View Data Files from the Settings menu on the Axiom home page. Confirm that all data files have been imported.
If any files are missing or are not the most recent version of the file, go back to the Analysis Settings gear, select Upload Test Files, and import/reimport the missing files.
Ensure you have imported the following files into Aware:
- All SAT data files from Summer 2023 to Summer 2024
- STAAR Alternate 2 2024
- STAAR EOC Summer 2023 Administration
- STAAR EOC Fall 2023 Administration
- STAAR EOC Spring 2024 Administration
- STAAR Grades 3-8 Spring 2024 Administration
- TELPAS 2024
- TELPAS Alternate 2024
Note: SAT files are required for High School Domain 1 STAAR Component scores. ACT data files from Summer 2023 to Summer 2024 are recommended but not required.
The Consolidated Accountability File (CAF) is not necessary and not required for Axiom to work.
Reimporting Data Files
In the event you need to reimport a data file, follow these steps:
- Navigate to the Analysis Settings gear in Aware, select Upload Test Files, then select the History tab.
- Select all of this year's state files, then select Re-Import File.
- After reimporting, navigate to Axiom, then select Recalculate All Data.
The Axiom landing page will show the last time a data recalculation occurred. This is most helpful to determine whether a recalculation may be necessary if the district has uploaded data recently.
Additionally, the Student List table will show small warnings next to student entries that have mismatched data.
Configure Schools Additional Data
Select Configure Schools from the Settings list.
Select the Upload CCMR Data button to upload the CCMR CSV report from TEAL.
Under the Type column, confirm the appropriate designation is associated with each campus and the district. Open the drop-down menu next to each school to make any necessary changes.
Adjust any information in the Eco Dis % column if needed. Check that the two lowest performing Racial/Ethnic Groups are correct in the 1st Group and 2nd Group columns (order does not matter). Make any corrections using their respective drop-down menus.
Select Enter Additional Data to input Graduation Rate and CCMR information for each applicable campus. Key in Domain 1 Components for the selected campus or district.
Learn more about locating and inputting Domain 1 and Domain 3 Components.
Recalculating Accountability Predictions
Select Recalculate All Data from the settings menu on the Axiom home page. This step reloads the data.
You must Recalculate All Data if you
- import test files,
- re-import test files,
- modify campus settings,
- modify Domain 1 Components, or
- modify Domain 3 Components.
Note: The Recalculate button should only be clicked once; multiple clicks will disrupt the calculation process.
If you import or reimport files or if Domain 1 data is added, a warning banner will appear, reminding you to Recalculate All Data.
This does not mean you need to reimport STAAR files. Instead, you need to click the Recalculate All Data button.
Note: As updates are made to the software and new data is provided in the data files, it is critical to reimport all state test files and then Recalculate All Data. This is your first option when troubleshooting. Reimport, then recalculate.
Domain 3 Student Lists
When analyzing E.L. Proficiency in Domain 3: Closing the Gaps, click on a number in the Raw Pct column to see a list of students who took the TELPAS/TELPAS Alt. Reviewing this column can help users identify specific student groups and troubleshoot potential gaps in Axiom calculations (such as missing imported data due to missing students).
After clicking a percentage under Raw Pct, the user will see a list of all students who took TELPAS or TELPAS Alt. To see only the students included in the calculation, click Show Only Qualifying.
Note: Student lists generated from the Domain 3 table are not filterable.
For more information about Axiom, check out these resources:
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