Setting up Activity Management
To access the Activities Options, go to the Manage tab, and select Forethought Options.
Activity Options Tab
- Activity Publishing Method - Choose whether activities will need curriculum administrator approval or can be automatically approved and published to the district scope and sequence.
- Display Related Activities - If checked, any and ALL activities and/or standard clarifications connected to a learning standard will be displayed for the teacher. This means that if a state standard has a standard clarification connected to it in one group folder, then it will also be displayed again for the same state standard in another group folder.
- Anonymous Publishing - Choose whether activities should be published anonymously. If not, the name of the teacher will be listed at the top of the activity that he or she created.
This setting will manage the publication of activities created by teachers, requiring approval before they are available to all teachers in your district who teach the same subject.
Building Activities on the Scope and Sequence Tab
You can build curriculum for your teachers on the Scope and Sequence tab. Activities can be added to a learning standard by right clicking on that standard in the list.
Once you choose Add a New Activity, you will get a window that looks very much like the lesson planner, but will not be tied to any specific date.
Here you will build the activity that teachers will be able to add to their individual lesson planners.
Once you have saved the activity, it will appear in the Resources section in scope and sequence. If published, it will also appear in Resources in teachers' lesson planners when they select the primary standard (top of the list) that the activity is tied to.
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