Only System Administrators can create Departments in Helpdesk.
- Click on the Manage tab
- Click on Add Department
- Enter the name of the new department
Modify Department Settings
Select a department from the list to access settings and conditions for the overall department. As you make changes to department settings tabs, use the SAVE button at the top of the screen in each tab to save any new setting changes. The RED X icon will DELETE the entire department so be careful selecting that option.
General Tab - Options:
- Name of Department
- Icon - click the image to select an icon to represent the department
- Description - Information that appears below the department screen for users to view to determine ticket path
- Current Status Banner - Displays a status banner across the screen for every user entering requests
Workflow Tab - Options:
- Strict Submittal Options - List rooms and assets from F&E - REQUIRES users to select a campus, room and asset before submitting a request
- Surveys and Review* - Optional settings for frequency and default surveys
- Old Requests - Sets time frame for determining how requests age
- Cost Tracking - Sets options for tracking labor and parts cost
- Priority - Setting for determining who can set priority of tickets
- Printing options - Setting for what information is included in printing paper tickets
*More information about Surveys and Review options:
- Enable, Random or Force - users are prompted to complete a survey after requests are completed by a technician.
- Enable and Random - survey is optional
- Force - survey is not optional and requires end-users to complete surveys before being able to create additional tickets
- Random - Every 6th completed ticket will request a survey to complete
Statistics Tab - Options:
- Statistical Year - Set month for the beginning of your reporting year.
- Hours of Operation - Important for reports on average resolution time.
- Default Average Resolution Time - Important for establishing values for reporting.
- Open Statistics - Determines what users see when entering a ticket.
Messaging Tab - Options:
This section determines how a particular department will communicate. For each department, the details of the ticket are automatically included. The settings listed here determine further notifications determined to extend messaging beyond notifying the assigned technician.
Groups Tab - Options:
This section allows departments to define technician teams or divisions and may assign staff into specific groups. Ticket lists and other information can be organized by group and technicians within a group can easily view the tickets assigned to other group members.
Use the Add, Delete and Edit buttons to manage the groups list.
Escalation Tab - Options:
This section allows you to select specific users who tickets will be automatically flagged as an emergency or high priority ticket. When using the High Priority option, we recommend you disable the end-user ability to select priority to better distinguish between escalation users and end-users who are selecting this option.
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