The Goal and Portfolio Detail Report allows users to export all goal statements and statuses into a spreadsheet. The report pulls information based on a goal’s creation date, not the start date.
Note: This report does not gather information from reflection documents used as goals. Only professional or student growth goals are included.
Run the Report
Step 1: Log in to Strive and select Analysis and Reports under Appraisal. Then, select View under Appraisal Reports.
Step 2: Select Goal and Portfolio Detail Report.
Step 3: Select the type of data you want to export; Student Growth Goals, Professional Goals, or Portfolio Data. If you select Student Growth Goals, you can select the checkbox to include Student Growth Goal portfolio data. Portfolio Data only applies to portfolios attached to student growth goals.
Step 4: Click on the calendar icons to select the date range for the goals’ creation date. For teacher goals, you may want to set the creation date to include the prior year’s summative conference times, e.g., late spring.
Step 5: Select a campus from the available list. Principals see their campus. District Administrators can choose one or all campuses.
Step 6: Click Submit Report to generate and download the XLS file.
Spreadsheet Data Column Options
- Staff Name (separated into first and last)
- Employee ID
- Campus Name
- Framework Name
- Appraisee Type
- Appraiser Name (separated into first and last)
- Goal Statement
- Status of the Goal
- Target Completion Date:
- Success Criteria (includes criteria statements)
- Goal Type
- Standards and Tags (includes tagged framework dimensions)
- Submitted Date
- Approved Date
- Archived Date
- Portfolio Name
- Portfolio Description
- Student count
- Special Ed, GT, At risk, LEP
- Race, ethnicity: Hispanic, White, American Indian/Alaskan Native, Asian, African American, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, Two or more races, Not provided
Overall student growth ( labels may differ depending on your district’s custom preferences)
- Did not grow
- Grew as expected
- Exceeded expected growth
- Percentage of Students that Met or Exceeded Expected Growth
Suggestions on When to Run Reports
Run this report shortly after goals are due to see student growth data from student portfolios.
Learn more about the reports available in Strive.
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