You can impersonate users to troubleshoot issues on all Eduphoria applications.
Note: Only those with the Impersonate Users right granted in Management can impersonate other users in Eduphoria. Learn more here.
To impersonate a user for support purposes, follow these next steps.
Step 1: Go to the Applications homepage.
Step 2: Select Impersonate.
Step 3: Type or paste the user's email address or Student ID into the text field.
Step 4: Select the Impersonate button. Hitting Enter or Return on your keyboard will not submit the name for impersonation.
To end impersonation, log out as that user.
If your district has users who could assist in troubleshooting but are not classroom teachers, assign that user the Campus Administrator role in Management.
Learn more information about roles and rights or more information about impersonating students to troubleshoot online testing support.
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