Districts participating in the Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) must submit evaluation data in a specific spreadsheet file format. The Legacy TIA Export collects the required information in one spreadsheet.
District-level staff with the View Appraisals right can run the Legacy TIA Export. This export is available for districts with Summative documents connected using either of the following T-TESS frameworks: T-TESS Alt D1 or T-TESS v2. If the export pulls data that is not connected to the T-TESS Alt D1 framework or the T-TESS v2 framework, it cannot return any data.
Note: Observation and Student Growth data have fixed weights applied to their scores in the Legacy TIA Export. To apply custom weighted scoring and include additional data, use the Custom TIA Export instead.
Accessing the Export
Step 1: Under Analysis and Reports in Strive, select Appraisal Reports. Then, locate the Legacy TIA Export.
Step 2: Select Include Eligible Designations to add three additional columns to the export.
Observation and Student Growth are separated into two different columns. Strive displays the eligibility based on the TIA Performance requirements listed below:
Teacher Observation Performance Standards
- Recognized: 3.7 - 3.89
- Exemplary: 3.9 - 4.4
- Master: 4.5 - 5.0
Student Growth Ratings
- Recognized - 55%
- Exemplary - 60%
- Master - 70%
- A teacher having at least all 3’s or above in all dimensions from Domains 2 and 3
Note: If a district changes its TIA requirements to include other performance standards or criteria, the above eligibility requirements will not present accurate data in the export.
Additional Information
The Legacy TIA Export includes all the data columns required for submission. Your system administrator must perform a user import to include the following personnel data fields: educator’s unique ID, TEA ID, date of birth, and middle name.
The LEA Name refers to your District Name, the CDN refers to your State ID Number, and the Campus CDCN refers to your State ID Number plus your Local ID Number. The Legacy TIA Export displays this information only if an administrator has updated those fields in Management under Manage Schools.
Users can include information not found in Eduphoria from other tools.
Student Growth Percentage that “Met” or “Exceeded” Growth is calculated and included in the export.
The Legacy TIA Export only includes data from Domains 2 and 3, and it displays numeric values instead of the words “Distinguished,” “Accomplished,” “Proficient,” “Developing,” and “Improvement Needed.” The export includes deleted users who may have been with the district during the data collection period but left before the reporting period.
Note: Deleted users who receive Summative Ratings are included in the export.
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