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Click Workshop Setup to open the options for managing the settings and parameters for how Strive Workshop will function.
General Options
This section includes the ability to activate/deactivate Strive Workshop's advanced features. Typically, this section is managed in the initial setup and then left alone once the settings are in place.
Features Tab
The features tab allows you to turn on or off some of Workshop's advanced features.
- Campus Courses allow each campus to create and control its own local courses.
- Professional Development Levels lets your district define and award various levels of development.
- Goals Integration allows your district to create district or campus levels goals and correlate those goals to professional development events.
- Guest Access allows guests to login as instructors or attendees.
- Course Submissions from Staff enables the Submit Course feature for staff members, allowing them to suggest courses they would like to teach themselves.
- eCourses allow the creation and registration of online courses built and managed within Workshop.
Each option will have this window appear below the main list when it is selected. You can use the toggle on the toolbar to Disable This Feature or Enable This Feature. Disabled features will display DISABLED to the right of their name.
Workshop Options
This tab is divided into two main sections: General Options and Certification Management (Texas Districts only)
General Options
Time Period
This screen will allow you to specify the beginning of your professional development reporting period. Simply expand the drop down list and choose the starting month for your reporting year.
Credit Request Approvals
Here you can specify who should approve outside credit requests. You can choose between Automatic, Principals, and Professional Development Managers. Essentially you are deciding between Campus and District level approval. Remember that using Credit Review can allow for district level personnel to intervene on the Campus approval process for specific credit types. In other words, if specific credit types have a designated approver, then that person must approve the request first before credit is granted.
Scheduling and Registration
This screen will allow you to control the timeline for staff registration.
- General Course Scheduling Guidelines: Scheduling guidelines allow districts to control the default timelines for staff registration.
- Set the default registration timelines for all courses that are created using the drop-down options.
- Note: This is only the default setting. These can also be edited within each particular course.
- Registration Conflicts: Specify whether or not to allow partial credit by preventing registration conflicts.
- Registration Service: Temporarily pause registration for all staff members by clicking on the link. Staff members will be notified of the pause in registration when viewing a course. This option is a toggle. Click once to enable the pause, and click again to disable it.
Default Course Options
- Default Options: Districts can define the default maximum seating for courses. This number can be edited within each specific course.
- Survey Requirements: If a district requires surveys to be completed for every course, check this box.
- Auto Complete Courses: Set the number of days after a class ends to automate the completion of the course. If a survey is required to receive course credit, then the number of days should allow plenty of time for participants to complete and submit the survey.
- Note: After the course is marked complete, the survey cannot be re-enabled.
- Course Credit Timing: To delay either credit assignment or certificate printing until the course is marked complete, check either or both of the boxes. Credit will not be granted and certificates cannot be printed until after the course is marked complete.
- Stipends: To enable stipend management for courses, check this box. Details regarding stipends are defined in the management of individual courses.
- Workflow: Enabling the workflow for courses will only impact District Courses - not School Courses. After checking the Enable Workflow for courses box, click on the Edit Workflow icon. Then set up the course approval workflow using the Approval Step, Notification Step and Freeflow Step options. Selecting Enable setup tab will allow users to approve the workflow and let them manage their own courses. Leaving this option unchecked will prevent access to changing settings such as date and credit type.
Certificate Builder
- This screen will allow you to upload an image that will be placed on the certificate for all staff. Review the resolution requirements before uploading your image.
Report Image
- Browse for an image (district logo, seal, etc.) and upload it. The image will appear on Workshop reports in PDF format.
These options allow you to control how Workshop will communicate with your staff.
- Enable Workshop Messaging: Uncheck this box to disable automated email messaging. No automated email messages will be sent while this is unchecked.
- Reminder Notification: Registered course attendees can receive an email reminder prior to the course start date. Workshop administrators determine when this email goes out by changing the settings in this section.
- Instructor/Manager Attendance Email: Workshop administrators can choose to automate emails informing instructors of courses that may not have enough attendees enrolled. Specify how many days before a course begins that this notification should be emailed. Also, specify the minimum number of enrollees to prevent this notification.
- Note: This is only an email. No action automatically occurs to cancel or postpone the course.
- Email Dialogs: If checked, Workshop will launch the Windows default email client when sending emails. The email will not be sent by the server. Instead it will open your default email program and populate the "To:" field with the email address of every attendee. This will allow you to send the email as yourself instead of as the system (
- Survey Reminder Notification: Enable this feature to send an automated email reminder. Set the number of days after the course survey start date for the email to automatically send.
Absence Lockout
- Staff Absence Lockout: This feature allows districts to prevent frequently absent staff from registering for courses.
- If enabled, the lockout feature specifies how many absences should be allowed before a staff member is locked out of course registration. As noted, prior absences will not be counted.
- Note: Manual lockout will not be available unless this option is enabled. If a district does not want to use automatic lockout, only manual, then set the number of required absences to a value that cannot be reached.
- Reset Locks: By clicking on the Clear All Locks link, all staff members that have been locked out will be restored. Once restored, absences that counted toward the lockout will no longer count. Staff portfolios will still reflect the absences, but these absences will no longer count towards a future lockout; only new absences will count.
Certification Management
Certification Areas: This section provides the list of all possible certifications held by educators. As the State renames and changes areas, you can use the Add, Edit, and Remove options to keep this list current.
Texas SBEC Management: Check the box to allow your district to specify your SBEC number and certification classes.
- By default, Texas SBEC will be enabled. Simply uncheck the box to disable that feature. Enter the SBEC CPE Provider ID.
- Instructor Credit: Set the number of credits instructors may earn towards certification renewal.
- Certification Classes: Districts can modify the criteria for certification renewal. Use the Add, Edit, and Remove buttons to modify these classes as the state changes requirements.
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