Aware’s roster import brings courses and students into the system and assigns them to the appropriate teachers.
Roster updates that occur overnight will be immediately available in the morning. Roster updates that are triggered manually will take up to one hour to show in the Aware navigation.
Roster Fails to Run
- Stopped or Paused Scheduled Task: The import has a scheduled task called Prepare Hosted Roster Files for Eduphoria that signals the server to run the roster import at a given time. If the scheduled task has stopped or paused, a local server administrator can start the task and the import will run automatically.
- Extra Characters: Extra characters may be added to the username in the Eduphoria Roster Import tool which causes the import to fail. Remove the extra characters and click Save.
- Import has been purposefully stopped: Server administrators may stop imports over the summer until PEIMS is ready to resume. Re-activate the import and click Run Now.
- Username or password has changed: Go to the Eduphoria Roster Importer and click Test Connection. If it fails, update the credentials for an account with the System Administrator role in Eduphoria and Save. Click Run Now.
Changing Local ID Numbers
When roster files are imported, Eduphoria looks for a percentage of changes in student accounts, teacher accounts, course IDs, and courses for the term. If there is a greater than 50% change, the system sends a sanity check message to ensure the change is expected.
Note: Computer systems use sanity checks to make sure a process is clear to run. The system will generate information so the user can determine if there would be a problem if the process proceeds. Sanity checks are widespread in computer software.
If local staff or student ID numbers have changed since last year’s import, Eduphoria’s system will read the changes as new IDs. This will cause duplicate entries so student test data will only be connected to the previous ID numbers.
Changing local ID numbers for students or staff requires a crosswalk file, a .txt or .csv file with two columns containing the OldID and NewID. Eduphoria will run the crosswalk file to prevent duplicates.
Changing Courses and Terms
Course changes are similar to changes in local ID numbers. When over 50% of the course ID numbers are deactivated, Eduphoria’s system will read the changes as new course ID numbers.
Term changes occur when more than 50% of student rosters change. This often happens when finalizing the rosters for the year. The initial import comes in but can change significantly with the following import.
Eduphoria’s system sends a sanity check message for course and term changes to ensure the change is expected before proceeding with an import.
Other Common Troubleshooting Tips
On the first tab of the roster importer, click on Test Connection. If it fails, the username and password do not match.
Make sure all four (4) roster files have data. Sometimes, there is a 0kb file that will prevent the import.
Contacting Eduphoria
If you need help finding the problem, contact Edupohiria’s support team or email us at We will need access to the roster files and importer to troubleshoot further.
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