Teachers may enable LockDown Browser for online assessments through Aware. If this feature is enabled, students will be unable to access other applications unless their teacher has allowlisted them. Students should follow the directions below to complete an assessment using LockDown Browser.
Step 1: Students log in to Eduphoria using their local Student ID number and password.
Step 2: Under My Assignments, students will select the correct assignment to complete.
Step 3: Students can complete the assessment within the testing window as they usually would.
Visit Taking an Online Assessment: The Student Experience for more information about online testing. For more information about available student supports, review Student Supports for Online Testing.
Step 4: If the student’s Testing Administrator has allowlisted other applications, they may have the allowlisted application running behind their testing window. They will not be able to switch between applications throughout the test.
To ensure the allowlisted application will be available, students must launch it before they begin the test since they will be unable to switch windows. For example, if their teacher requires them to participate in a Zoom call during the test, students must be logged into Zoom and be in the call before they open the test. Otherwise, students will be unable to open Zoom.
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