To access configuration options for professional learning, select Settings from the main menu and then select Professional Learning Setup. Then, select Workshop Setup to configure the various settings and parameters that determine how workshops function in Strive. This article focuses on the General Options settings in Workshop Setup.
General Options allows users to activate and deactivate advanced workshop features. After the initial setup, users rarely need to modify these options. The General Options screen consists of two main tabs: Features and Workshop Options.
Features Tab
Select the Features tab of the General Options screen to activate and deactivate the following features for staff members:
- School Courses allows each school to create and control its own local courses. Activating this feature also allows staff members to register for courses targeted for their school or department.
- Professional Development Levels allow you to manage staff development plans with a system for managing credits earned, including defining and awarding various levels of development. Learn more about setting Professional Development Levels.
- Goals Integration allows districts to align district and school goals to staff development events and course offerings.
- Guest Access allows guests to enroll as instructors or attendees in courses designated for guest access.
- Staff Course Suggestions activates the Submit Course feature allowing staff members to suggest courses they want to teach. Course suggestions require approval before becoming active in the course catalog.
- eCourses allows the creation and registration of online courses in Workshop.
Step 1: Select a feature name to open the container and toggle the feature on or off. If deactivated, the features display as Disabled on the feature list.
Step 2: Click the Save Changes button when ready.
General Options in the Workshop Options Tab
The Workshop Options tab is divided into General Options and Certification Management (Texas Districts only). This section describes the settings that you can access by expanding the General Options section.
Time Period
Time Period sets the beginning month of each year’s professional development period.
Step 1: Select a starting month from the drop-down menu.
Step 2: Click the Save Changes button when ready.
Credit Request Approvals
Credit Request Approvals specifies the roles responsible for approving outside credit requests.
Step 1: Select automatic, principals, or professional development managers.
Step 2: Select the Edit Credit Requests checkbox to allow Strive District Credit Approvers to edit approved credit requests.
Step 3: Click the Save Changes button when ready.
Scheduling & Registration
Scheduling & Registration allows districts to control the default timelines for course registration. Default settings apply to all courses, but can be edited within each course.
Step 1: Select from the drop-down menu options to set the default registration timelines.
Step 2: Select the Registration Conflicts checkbox to specify whether or not to allow partial credit by preventing registration conflicts.
Step 3: Click the Save Changes button when ready.
Note: Click the Registration Service button to temporarily pause registration. Staff members will be notified of the pause in registration when viewing a course. Click once to activate the pause, and click again to lift it.
Default Course Options
Default Course Options allows districts to set course requirements and parameters. Default settings can be edited within each course.
Step 1: Set the default maximum seating for courses. This number can be edited within each specific course.
Step 2: Click the checkbox to require surveys for every course.
Step 3: Click the checkbox and set the number of days after a course ends to automate course completion. If a survey is required to receive course credit, the number of days should allow ample time for participants to complete and submit the survey since surveys cannot be re-enabled after courses are marked complete.
Step 4: Click one or both checkboxes to delay credit assignment and/or certificate printing until the course is marked complete.
Step 5: Click the checkbox to activate stipend management for courses. Details regarding stipends are defined in the management of individual courses.
Step 6: Click the checkbox to activate the workflow for district courses only. Workflow does not impact school courses.
Step 7: Click the checkbox to activate the setup tab to allow users to approve the workflow and manage personal courses. Leaving this option unchecked prevents course creators from changing settings such as the date and credit type.
Step 8: Click the Edit Workflow icon to set up the course approval workflow using the Approval Step, Notification Step, and Freeflow Step options.
Step 9: Click the Save Changes button when ready.
Certificate Builder
Certificate Builder allows districts to upload images for staff certificates. Before uploading an image, review the resolution requirements.
Step 1: Select Choose File to search for JPEG images with an approximate image size of 200 X 200 pixels.
Step 2: Select Upload to upload the image.
Step 3: Click the Save Changes button when ready.
Report Image
Report Image allows districts to upload a 1x1 inch image, like a district logo or seal, to appear on all PDF Workshop reports. Review the resolution requirements before uploading an image.
Step 1: Select Choose File to search for 1x1 inch images. Uploaded images automatically resize the image scale.
Step 2: Select Upload to upload the image.
Step 3: Click the Save Changes button when ready.
Messaging options allow districts to manage communication methods in Workshop.
Step 1: Click the checkbox to activate automated email messaging. If this checkbox is not selected, no automated emails are sent.
Step 2: Click the checkbox to reminder notifications to send registered attendees an email reminder a set number of days prior to the course start date. Use the drop-down menu to determine the timing of notifications.
Step 3: Click the checkbox to automate attendance emails informing instructors of courses that may not have enough attendees enrolled. Use the drop-down menu to specify when the notification is sent and to specify the minimum number of enrollees to prevent this notification.
Note: Activating the attendance email only notifies course instructors or managers. Separate actions must be taken to cancel or postpone a course.
Step 4: Click the checkbox to activate the default email client. Selecting the email dialogs opens the default email program and populates the "To:" field with the email address of every attendee. Email dialogues allow users to send personalized emails instead of system emails sent from
Step 5: Click the checkbox to activate the survey reminder notification, which will send an automated email reminder to attendees to complete course surveys. Use the drop-down menu to set the number of days after the course survey start date for the email to be sent automatically.
Step 6: Click the Save Changes button when ready.
Absence Lockout
Absence Lockout allows districts to control absent staff from registering for courses.
Step 1: Click the checkbox to activate the staff absence lockout feature. Set a specific number of absences allowed before a staff member is locked out of course registration. Absences only accumulate after the feature is activated.
Note: Manual lockout is available only when Staff Absence Lockout is active. If a district wants to manually lock registration for some staff members but does not want to automatically lock registration at a set number of absences, then set the number of required absences to a high value that cannot be reached by any staff member individually.
Step 2: Select the Clear All Locks button to activate the reset locks feature. Once clicked, all staff members previously locked out are allowed to register for courses without restriction. Staff portfolios still reflect all absences, but only newly accrued absences count toward a lockout.
Step 3: Click the Save Changes button when ready.
Certification Management (Texas specific) in the Workshop Options Tab
Certification Management allows districts to keep Texas certification information up to date for staff members.
Certification Areas
The Certification Areas section lists all possible certifications held by Texas educators. As the state renames and changes areas, use the Add Item, Edit Item, and Remove Item buttons to update the list and click the Save Changes button when ready.
Texas SBEC Management
Step 1: Click the checkbox to allow your district to specify your SBEC number and certification classes. By default, Texas SBEC is activated. Uncheck the box to deactivate the feature and enter the SBEC CPE Provider ID number.
Step 2: Set the number of credits instructors may earn towards certification renewal.
Step 3: Districts can create and modify the criteria for certification classes. Use the Add Item, Edit Item, and Remove Item buttons to modify classes as the state changes requirements.
Step 4: Click the Save Changes button when ready.
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